Who We Are

Experience. Reputation. Success.

The Franecke Law Group is a dedicated group of lawyers, engineers, and specialists in the fields of Aviation and Product Liability assembled over 30 years of experience by Louis S. Franecke, Esq. Each case is unique and requires expert evaluation, investigation, and presentation tailored to that case. The varieties of people needed to prosecute the case can be seen in the complexity of the listing in “Recent Cases“.

We have handled cases in all courts in most States of the US. Especially with airplane and helicopter crashes, where the case must be filed includes both US Federal Courts and State Courts. The Franecke Law Group has experience in those courts as well as Courts of Appeal and the US Supreme Court.


Mr. Franecke is a graduate Aero-Space Engineer and Pilot. He has owned and flown numerous types of aircraft and helicopters. His entire legal career has been in the field of aviation and product liability. A web search under his name will show the extent and diversity of his experience.

Mr. Franecke started his legal career even before he graduated from Law School by assisting in a large patent infringement suit against Boeing and McDonell Douglas Corporations. His responsibilities included examination of the design and manufacture of the Boeing 707, 727 and Douglas DC-8.

For the past 30 years, Mr. Franecke has tried cases to verdict with multi-million dollar recoveries. He has settled all manner of product cases prior to trial based upon his and his associates work. He is Board Certified in Civil Trial Advocacy. He is permitted to practice before The US Supreme Court, The Courts of Appeal of the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th Circuits, numerous US District Courts, The State of California Courts, and all state Courts Pro Hac Vice.

Mr. Franecke is a member and has presented papers before The American Trial Lawyers Association, Consumer Attorneys of California, Lawyer-Pilot Bar Association, San Francisco Bar Association, Los Angeles Bar Association, Marin Bar Association, Brain Injury Institute.

Mr. Franecke has appeared Nationally on The O’Reilly Factor, 20/20, 60 Minutes. He has been written about in USA TODAY, New York Times, Los Angeles Times, San Francisco Chronicle, Time Magazine, Aviation Week and Space Technologies, among others. Numerous TV and Radio stations have asked Mr. Franecke to speak regarding recent plane crashes and other topics dealing with product injuries.

Mr. Franecke’s arguments before the US Supreme Court prompted a body of law defining the extent that a manufacturer may avoid liability for a defective product built to government specifications.

You are encouraged to do a “search” on the web for Louis Franecke for more extensive information.

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