Electrocution / Severe Burn Injuries

Electrocution injuries, which often involve severe burns, usually,comes about from the negligence of the public utilities failure to maintain their electrical transmitting cables and devices or from construction defects in the home or office.

A public utility is not an insurer of the property into which it sends electricity. However they have a duty to use reasonable care in stringing lines so is not to unreasonably expose others to injury. Because of the high risk of serious injury from escaping electricity, a power company must maintain the electrical wires in such a manner proportionate to the danger involved at the location.

In any place where a reasonable probability exists that a person might be injured from contact with electrical wires, they must install and maintain proper insulation, keep the wire sufficiently clear the ground, buildings and combustibles, and protect against the possibility of injury from reasonably foreseeable uses of the underlying premises by the property owner, his guests and employees.

Additionally, a power company must make reasonably frequent and thorough inspections of its power lines to keep them safe from natural deterioration, foreseeable uses of the underlying or adjacent premises, and change conditions that might make them hazardous.

Also, because electricity is a “product” it is subject to the law of strict liability and defect. A house fire caused by excessive voltage is a result of the defective product for which the utility company is strictly liable.

Numerous statutes, regulations and governmental orders regulate safe construction and maintenance of electrical lines or equipment. If those statutes and regulations have been violated or ignored, it can give rise to a presumption of negligence which may cause the injury.

Exposure to electrical wires or a fire resulting therefrom can be catastrophic. Immediate consultation with an attorney skilled and knowledgeable in the many areas dealing with electrical services will make your case far better prepared.

Construction defects may also cause electrical shorts, fires and resulting burns an injury if not direct contact with electrical wiring. There is usually a time. Of up to 10 years in which the contractor or others responsible for the construction may be looked to as responsible for injury suffered. It is only through the consultation with an attorney immediately that it may be determined if you have a case.

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